Monday, September 8, 2008

Pray for vocations

Hebrews 7:17 says "You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek."

Our Lady several times mentioned the priests, below there is a message of 9th of July 2008 at borg in-nadur

Message of 9th July, 2008 given at Borg in-Nadur
"My children and my dear children - the ones of my heart. What follows is for Fr Hayden to convey to the people. Be mindful of diocesan priests, religious priests, conventual priests and nuns.Today I want to speak to you about diocesan religious priests. These are persons chosen by me and my Son Jesus. In our eyes, they are special men. Therefore, show them every respect. Only they, and none other may administer the sacraments.Tonight I wish to give you a message on the Sacrament of Confession. My dear children, it is becoming customary to say: “I hate no one. I need not go to a priest, a common man like myself. I will prostrate myself before a crucifix and there discharge myself. I hate no one, I wrong no one. I do not want to go to Church, because they do wrong just like myself, and even worse than me.My children I want you not to reason in this way – you who are gathering up here on the hill of Borg in-Nadur, where I am coming, since I am being sent to you by God. Never reason in this way my children. Show every reverence to diocesan and conventual priests. You are to have respect for them throughout your life. Whenever you are in need of them seek them out for confession and kneel at their feet. They are ready to listen to you. It is not true that they will call you names or want to be inquisitive about you. Yes, do not become lost as the rest of the crowd does. Respect Bishops in a special way. They are the shepherds of the Church.Thank you for having listened to my call".
we have great responsibility towards priests, we need to help them live their vocations. As only they can give Jesus to us. our lady cannot consecrate bread and wine, she cannot forgive sins either. So it will be a tragedy for us all if vocations keep on decreasing and priests giving up their priesthood. we must remember that vocations flourish from strong families. so striving to have strong families is and must be a priority. All this will result in a peaceful and a strong society,where God is in the centre again of our lives. Our society needs radical conversion only with prayers and our daily offerings that we can achieve this result, let us all try to console out two sacred heart of Jesus and Mary. Priests you are so dear to our lady! she calls you-my dear children-the ones of my heart, what a privilege! treasure this, it will be worth more than anything!
I want to share a short true story before I close today, there was an important man who was on his dead bed. Obviously a lot of VI P'S went to visit him. But the dying man did not want to see any of them, all he wanted by his bedside was a priest!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The feast of our lady's Birthday

Dear Mother Mary tomorrow is your feast, I want to give you all sorts of know, the greatest present that I can give you is to promise you to love your son more each day and to offer my sufferings for conversion of sinners, for vocations, peace in the world,families and for those who want to commit abortion.

Tuesday I'm going to hospital again and Wednesday I'll have Chemotherapy, I offer it to you, take this offering to your son Jesus. Intercede for me ,and for all the people who are reading this. You had always been a refuge for all who came to you. please be near me..I need you.

You are a sweet mum, without the stain of sin. the holy spirit showered you with his love You were the first Tabernacle.

Your eyes are like Jewels pure, precious and rare. when you smile you bring sunshine in the world,you warm us ! your hair is like pure silk! and your heart is like an ocean of love, always fresh with it's pure breeze. I cannot describe your voice, but I feel it within me, I feel it as sweet as Honey. Your Hands are of a strong woman because you carry us with our burdens to your son. my Dear Mother happy feast, I love you. ........ One last thing tell Papa that I love him and tomorrow I will try to love him more through my neighbor, Thank you for being there!

The sacred hearts of Jesus and Mary are deeply wounded

You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.

In last week's apparition at hill of Borg in-nadur during the second mystery of the rosary our lady started crying. In her message she said that her heart and the heart of Jesus are in pain beacuse people keep misusing their names. she also spoke again about broken marriages, adultery and anulllment which are too causing great pain in the heart of Jesus and mary. let us all pray the rosary for conversion, offer sacrifices, and fast.

let us console Jesus and mary by prasing His name, there is no other name than the name Jesus, his name will endure forever as Jesus is the lord. I want to thank you Lord for your Love cause you are Love.

Phil 2: 9-11 States
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

" I will keep on coming to the hill of borg in-nadur even for one person"

During an apparition our lady said that she will keep on coming to the hill even for one person. This made me reflect on how important a soul is to God, how precious. God does not want one single soul to be lost, he wants salvation for all. That's why he is sending our blessed mother. Whenever our mother appears, she comes to take us to Jesus. Jesus must remain the centre point in our lives. Jesus searches for that lost sheep with the help of his mother.

God will provide the lamb

Abraham the father of faith.

How Abraham must have felt when God asked him to offer his only, long awaited for, son! he obeyed and trusted in the lord probably with great pain and anguish in his soul,.. but he trusted him.

In the book of Genesis in chapter 22 v 5 we read this"Then Abraham said to his servants,"stay here with the donkey. The boy and I are going over there; we shall worship and then come back to you". He did not say "I" but "we"..he believed that he was going to return with his son.

God tested his faith, love and return God provided himself the perfect lamb...his only begotten son, the perfect sacrifice for you, me and all humanity.

So just try to imagine what great joy our lady had with her only son. How much she cherished him, how much she looked after him with great love and affection. Our lady the perfect eve, too obeyed with great faith in God but with great pain. The pain where she gave birth to all humanity at the foot of the cross" behold your mother". we can see great faith in our lady in the gospels, especially in mark chapter 16 v 1 where we read that "Mary of Magdala,Mary the mother of James and Salome went to the tomb of Jesus with spices to go and anoint his body". Our Lady did not go because she believed that her son will rise from the dead..his body will not remain buried! what great faith! let us all pray to our lady so that we will have this kind of trust in God and believe that nothing is impossible for God!