Friday, August 21, 2009


Heaven opened when God the father send his only begotten son for humanity, the first to pay the price was our mother Mary, through the prophecy of Simeon at Jesus' presentation in the temple, cf LK 2: 34-35 " look he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed-"and a sword will pierce your soul too-so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare". the same sword that pierced the side of Jesus, where from Jesus' side came forth the church. heaven once again is opening up to us all by our lady's visits to Malta, crying out to us all to open our hearts to Christ. This goes in line with the motto of late Pope John Paul II " Be not afraid to open your hearts to Christ," Are we truly opening the doors of our hearts to Jesus, can God the father say 'you are my faithful servant whom I am well pleased with? what thorn is piercing our heart and the hearts of Jesus and Mary? if the thorn is still a sin then pray to God to change your heart, if your heart is pierced with illness, problems and heartache, then offer it for conversion of sinners, and god will grant you a bouquet of roses in return, filled with his peace, serenity and goodness.
Prayer ; Today father God I am heart broken. Problems are making me weary. But I will unite my sorrows with your son Jesus in the Garden of Olives and offer up my burden for those who are going to commit abortion, euthanasia and drug abuse. I cannot hold this thorn which is piercing my heart, but I know in faith that your grace is enough. Dear Mother help us to truly open our heart to your son Jesus, who is the way ,the truth and the life. Amen

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Feast of Our Lady ....Dance into 'perfect joy'

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

Yesterday the 15th of August was the feast of our lady's assumption. She is a role model, a living example for us all especially during turmoil, difficulties and trials of our lives. she is the new eve pure without sin. She is our tree of life that gave birth to our new image through Jesus Christ. Her blind faith and her 'yes' to God changed us all.

Mary experienced poverty, humiliation,persecution and her son's death. In spite of this severe pain she remained still, firm and full of faith because the holy spirit was her spouse, she was his dwelling place, his golden castle that shone forth through her obedience. Mary was so one with God almighty that he carved the new commandment in her womb......Jesus. She fulfilled all the beatitudes, that's why God lifted her up, made her queen of heaven and earth.

c f The canticle of Mary : My soul magnifies the Lord,And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.For He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden,For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.For He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation.He has shown strength with His arm:He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.He has put down the mighty from their thrones,and exalted those of low degree.He has filled the hungry with good things;and the rich He has sent empty away.He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy;As He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to His posterity forever.

Prayer; Dear mother Mary, our mother, I thank you for your 'yes' to God out of Love. help us to remain faithful to God till the end. be with us in out trials and difficulties. Life can be really hard, with our problems and trials. help us to love our families and friends even when they abandon us, when they do not understand us. Give us strength to help our worst enemies. We offer you our hearts, take it to your son, and let it be cleansed from the things that are not worthy in God's eyes. may he'll melt it with the fire of his love and given back to us with a childlike innocence. Amen

Saturday, August 1, 2009


yesterday I was reflecting on the passion of our lord Jesus Christ, and at one point I meditated on the very last moments of our saviour. [this is my reflection] On the cross Jesus felt that he was abandoned, it was of his father's will that he felt that, as our heavenly father wanted to save us totally. Jesus was one with the father, he cooperated with the father till the end, even at the point of being alone, not on his dead bed but on the cross! in fact he said to the beloved disciple " behold your mother", the disciple represents everyone of us...from that minute our lady became the mother of all nations, she too cooperated with the Father's will till the end....can we really grasp this situation? when i was in hospital I always wanted to be surrounded by my dear ones. but Jesus showed us that in the end of the day we need to depend on God only. I meditated on the last few minutes on Jesus' much love he has for humanity.....!that minute he had a joyful sorrow because it was accomplished, looked at heavens above he new that there was his father welcoming him, I imagine that, that minute the heavens above were opened, and Jesus full of joy was returning home knowing that he made all things new. After this reflection what came to my mind was this beautiful biblical passage below.

revelation 21; 4 [new int version 1984 ]He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Every day we can reflect on Jesus' love and sacrifice by attending mass during consecration, remember that the Eucharist is the heart of the blessed trinity. C F John 12: 45 "He who sees Me sees the One who sent Me.
Prayer: Dear father help us to reflect more on the merits that were obtained by your only begotten son, as your son is the truth, the way, the life. yes and we want to know the truth as only the truth can set us free. help us to appreciate more your son in the blessed Eucharist, as it is heaven on earth, manna for our spiritual growth. help us to be your bold children pointing always to the Eucharist, enfolded in the love of Mary, your first tabernacle. Amen