Heaven opened when God the father send his only begotten son for humanity, the first to pay the price was our mother Mary, through the prophecy of Simeon at Jesus' presentation in the temple, cf LK 2: 34-35 " look he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed-"and a sword will pierce your soul too-so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare". the same sword that pierced the side of Jesus, where from Jesus' side came forth the church. heaven once again is opening up to us all by our lady's visits to Malta, crying out to us all to open our hearts to Christ. This goes in line with the motto of late Pope John Paul II " Be not afraid to open your hearts to Christ," Are we truly opening the doors of our hearts to Jesus, can God the father say 'you are my faithful servant whom I am well pleased with? what thorn is piercing our heart and the hearts of Jesus and Mary? if the thorn is still a sin then pray to God to change your heart, if your heart is pierced with illness, problems and heartache, then offer it for conversion of sinners, and god will grant you a bouquet of roses in return, filled with his peace, serenity and goodness.
Prayer ; Today father God I am heart broken. Problems are making me weary. But I will unite my sorrows with your son Jesus in the Garden of Olives and offer up my burden for those who are going to commit abortion, euthanasia and drug abuse. I cannot hold this thorn which is piercing my heart, but I know in faith that your grace is enough. Dear Mother help us to truly open our heart to your son Jesus, who is the way ,the truth and the life. Amen