Sunday, May 31, 2009

Come Holy Spirit, Come and fill us with your Fire

Today is the feast of Pentecoste, let us see one of the biblical passages of pentecoste;

Acts 2:1-4 – When Pentecost day came round, , they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind,which filled the entire house in which where they were sitting, and there appeared to them, tongues as of fire, these seperated and came to rest on the head of each one of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves."

Come holy spirit, come with you holy gifts, renew our hearts and our minds, and fill us with your love and mould us in Jesus to do God's will, for our sanctification and for all the church, renew the face of the earth, renew the church, mould her like you did on pentecost day, cleanse your church from all fear, pride, bitterness and from all sins. Make us holy dear holy spirit in Jesus name, we Pray, amen.

Long for these gifts dear brothers and sisters, long for then for the good of humantiy.........Gift of Wisdom: Gift of Understanding; The gift of Council: The gift of Fortitude or Power: The gift of Knowledge: The gift of Piety : The gift of Fear to the Lord:.

The Charisms of the holy Spirit

charisms of 1Cor.12 can be divided in 3 classes:
1- Three Charisms of the mind: - The word of wisdom. - The word of knowledge. - The discernment of the spirits.
2- Three Charisms of action: - The gifts of healing. - The working of miracles. - The gift of faith, that faith that moves mountains (Mt.21:21, Mk.11:22-23).
3- Three Charisms of the tongue: - Prophecy. - Speak in tongues. - Interpretation of tongues.

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