(John 20:19-31 NIV) On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" {20} After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. {21}
Peace be with you! are Jesus' first words. Jesus is victorious over sin and death, and he wants our salvation.
Jesus is sending his mother to various parts of the world including Malta, she comes to take us to her son, she cares for us and wants to help us in our conversion. her main massage is [for Maltese people] and the whole world, to truly have conversion, we need to decide, which road to take....eternal damnation or eternal joy. our life in Christ start here and now. Our Mother Mary speaks about peace too, but we will never have peace unless we have radical conversion. when we change we are then able to change the world, from deadly sins such as abortion, euthanasia, divorce, child abuse, pornography, etc. peace starts by accepting the risen Christ in our hearts, but we have to open our hearts to him, he appeared to his apostles when the doors were closed, he was able to got through, but he will never force himself into our hearts, as he is love and we must accept him with love. we can start by humbly confessing our sins, receive Jesus in the Eucharist and pray, especially the rosary. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, it's never too late for you, Jesus has all his time to embrace you when you go to him, his time is eternity, enfolded
with unconditional love, peace and joy. Experience peace and true love, experience CHRIST.
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