This biblical passage below help us to reflect on the presence of the lord.
At times we search for the lord in strange places, in people.....but we never stop to listen to that still small voice from within. The extraordinary God wants to enter in our lives by ordinary ways. Jesus is knocking in our hearts, but we cannot understand this unless we are like little children. The 'yes' to lord will change our lives completely, we may not understand exactly God's will for us, but we can experience his grace working in our lives, the grace to be able to be bold for him, to love our enemies, to work for his glory and for his kingdom, to be his co worker with the plan of salvation for humanity.....to make a better world. That's what our 'yes' means. And most of all it means that we want to love him and be with him for eternity.
''Elijah travels, for forty days and forty nights, to Mount Horeb and seeks shelter in a cave. God again speaks to Elijah (1 Kings 19:9): "What doest thou here, Elijah?". Up until this time Elijah has only the word of God to guide him, but now he is told to go outside the cave and "stand before the Lord." A terrible wind passes, but God is not in the wind. A great earthquake shakes the mountain, but God is not in the earthquake. Then a fire passes the mountain, but God is not in the fire. Then a "still small voice" comes to Elijah and asks again, "What doest thou here, Elijah?". God then sends him out again, this time to Damascus to anoint Hazael as king of Syria, Jehu as king of Israel, and Elisha as his replacement". (Info from wikipedia)
keep it up doreen and good luck
thanks doreen
you're welcome, god bless you
god bless you too always.
thanks for evrything doreen
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