Wednesday, December 3, 2008


when we think of what had happened some 2000 years ago we may be surprised on how all the door were closed for the holy family.

At this time we all have a lot to prepare, buying gifts, food, clothing etc, Do we realize that we are still closing the doors to Jesus like back then? As soon as we neglect the call to forgive, repent, going to mass/confession and saying the rosary, we are closing the door in Jesus' face. Jesus is sending his mother to Malta,to pray with us, to teach us to love God, to convert! let us not close the door anymore. Our mother Mary lacked all the necessities to bear her son, but the presence of Jesus in her arms and the love and support of Joseph were sufficient. The secret of a peaceful and happy Christmas is to love God with all your might and to love your neighbor. In John 13:34-35 we read "I give you a new commandment: Love one another; you MUST love one another just as i have loved you. It is by your love for one another that everyone will recognise you as my disciples"

From my heart I wish you have a mary, Jesus and Joseph Christmas

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