Friday, October 26, 2007

I THIRST 4 SOULS [Introduction]

my brothers and sisters in christ,my name is doreen vella, I come from Malta. My intention for my Blog is that you will come to know what our Lady is doing in Malta her messages but most of all for conversion in the world. We all know that we are living in a modern world,and most of humanity is so busy planning for the future, for their career etc there is so much going on in life and we tend to drift, from the river that satifies our thirst and our needs-Jesus Christ. I can tell you He's alive and he loves every one of us, UNCONDTIONALLY. His Love for humanity never fails, through the intercession of his mother mary and with her, they are saying to us, I thirst for you...... they are waiting for us but first we need to change our ways, our hearts and give our life to them ...It is all worth it, all you need is to say yes! later on I will post my story to you in the meantime may God Be With you always.

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